Sharing some tools we built to build feedback loops in our products. Signal is the fastest, simplest way to collect and act on feedback. Access via
Success isn't climbing to the top of someone else's mountain. it's building your own path on terrain that calls to you.
Revived my game engine project to simulate a world for some AI colony experiments.
A memory inspector for diagnosing the memory system of an AI agent modeled after a rudimentary brain. The points are mapped in space based on the relative relatedness based on the contents and properties of the memory.
The goal of software should be to enhance our capabilities and make our lives easier, not to keep us perpetually engaged in a virtual world.
Quick walk-through of an early version of the research app for anyone looking for a new way to organize and read research papers. Learn more and get the beta at
Making something with the goal of helping me cut the time and effort it takes to understand research papers by half.
Finding the right level of abstraction is akin to finding the right tool for the job when it comes to navigating new ideas or problems.
Finished a rewrite of my analytics server in rust and the whole thing runs on less than 10MB memory now.
Had a blast building a mobile app for learning with AI. A tree of knowledge is generated for you by AI and expanded as your explore by continuously diving deeper– allowing you to go as deep as you want, in any way that makes sense to you.
Good to be making videos again 🎬
Made a display for a 1:43 scale model of an F1 RB16B. It uses a 64x32 RGB LED Matrix that goes through some track-like effects. Hoping to add some team signage and maybe display some stats on the display as well.
It’s very important to have goals, and very specific goals. Always have goals, because to have goals you have to figure out what you want.
Decided to share the beta for Pile a little ahead of schedule. You can download it today for macOS. Learn more.
Always great fun to play around with brand marks– but oh the number of duck silhouettes I had to go through to settle on this. I wanted to create a mark that's recognizable yet a little different from your average duck silhouette.
One way to avoid bad ideas in anything is to look for places where you’re stacking one too many assumptions to arrive at a conclusion.
Getting a closer look at the bees in the garden. We moved them into a pot from a letter box many years ago and the hive's been going strong. They are also surprisingly friendly as long as you approach calmly.
Awed reading some of my great-grandfather's ayurvedic papyrus texts while I'm home. This is two of 400+ texts from the family dating back to 1848 donated to the university for research. This one specifically covers all things oils– the names don't translate so well, but the beauty one roughly translates to "ointment of the goddesses."
Added this scrubbable timeline for my journaling app: Pile. Was a perfect use-case for the Interscetion Observer API to make it work as you scroll.
The lifestyle logger in my personal toolkit. Was pleasntly surprised how much this resonated with people.